Review of Taylor by Shea Saints


Taylor Marx is the star quarterback of his high school football team, and son of Henry Marx, CEO of Van Beuren Textile. With his good looks, athletic build, and social status, he can get every pretty girl in town for a short-lived romance. But when he found his father with a pistol in his right hand, and an ugly hole in his right temple, his life has never been the same.


Taylor, the Journey Home by Harold J. Fischel is a romantic drama about an 18-year-old boy who didn’t want to face the problems in his home, so he runs away. He is faced with a series of very unfortunate incidents that he had to endure alone.

I like the moral of the story. No matter how tough anyone is, there are uncontrollable incidents that are driven by bad circumstances. And the best way to conquer that is to ask help.

I’m giving this 5 out of 5 stars. Despite the cringe-worthy moments, the good moments outshine them. This book is not for the faint heart, but I can give an assurance that the story is exceptional. Hence, I recommend this to ALL mature readers who want something different. It is very painful, but the pain is compensated with very promising moments.

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